Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Something Wicked This Way Comes

  • Look friends! A Harry Potter Quiz! I don't think I've ever done one of these. You do one too and put it in my comments, or on your blog and link me to it and I will read it! Yay!

Also, I swear, I'm writing againand so I will do my best to update as well. I mis talking to you all. And in general. Its healthy. Right? 

  • 1. What house will you be in?
  • I'd expect I would be in Slytherin. Its the house I am always sorted into...
  • 2. If the sorting hat was on you and it said you'd be great in a house you didn't consider before, will you follow his advice or choose what house you want?
  • I would certainly consider it. 
  • 3. What kind of animal would you bring to school?
  • A cat. No question. A Kneazle if I could get away with it (like Hermione)
  • 4. If you were in class, where would you normally sit?
  • In the front. 
  • 5. What do you think you'll be doing right now?
  • I assume I'd be in the tower getting ready for bed. Or studying. 
  • 6. What's the core of your wand?
  • Phoenix feather
  • 7. Do you think you'll be part of the quidditch team?
  • Nope. Too clumsy.
  • 8. Will you be part of any organization???
  • Probably. 
  • 9. Will you go home during holidays?
  • Yeah. 
  • 10. Do you think you'll have friends from other houses?
  • I hope I would. 
  • 11. What will you pack for school?
  • Whatever's on the list McGonagall sends me, some muggle candy, some prank materials, a bottle of Old Ogden's Firewhiskey and a bunch of books. 
  • 12. How about when going home for holidays, what will you bring home?
  • Everything I needed washed? I don't know. Stuff from Hogsmeade?
  • 13. Would you consider studying in another wizarding school?
  • I suppose it would depend on the schools.
  • 14. Do you think you'll be a prefect or head girl/boy?
  • Nope. Too much of a trouble maker.
  • 15. Are you going to be a pure-blood or half-blood or muggle-born?
  • I assume I would be a half-blood. I've got witches in my family. 
  • 16. Will you be related to any wizarding family?
  • Famous ones? Probably not. 
  • 17. Will you be a student who gets into trouble a lot?
  • Its likely. 
  • 18. Do you think you'll get a lot of detention? For what reason/s?
  • I assume I wouldn't get caught, so no. 
  • 19. On hogsmeade visits, what shops will you go to?
  • 20. Will you be supportive of your house's quidditch team?
  • Sure. I'd be supportive of any quidditch team that I had friends on. 
  • 21. Will you read Hogwarts:A History?
  • Yes. 
  • 22. Do you think you'll get a lot of letters from home? How frequent do you think you'll get them?
  • I hope I would. Maybe once a week?
  • 23. Will you subscribe to the daily prophet or the quibbler or other wizarding world media?
  • Yes. 
  • 24. Which part of the castle will be your favorite?
  • The library. 
  • 25. When sleeping in your dormitory, will your four-poster bed's curtains be drawn or closed?
  • Drawn
  • 26. If the team your house played against wins, do you think you'll be bitter towards the other team after the game?
  • Nope. Not really. Its only quidditch. 
  • 27. Do you think you'll be a fan of wizard music?
  • Yes. I am pretty sure I am already a fan of wizard music and I just dont know it. 
  • 28. Will you be curious enough to try and explore the whole castle, even if you know you can get in trouble for visiting some parts of it?
  • Of course! Why do you think I would read Hogwarts, A History? 
  • 29. How frequent will your visits to the library be?
  • Often. 
  • 30. If someone was to form an organization similar to dumbledore's army, will you join?
  • Maybe?
  • 31. If you were to get detention, what task would you prefer? Would you want to scrub cauldrons or clean trophies or sort through unlabeled books or…?
  • Sort books!
  • 32. On your o.w.l.s, what subject/s will you get an O in? Which ones do you think you’ll get a T on?
  • T is probably Arithmancy. 
  • If I don't get an O in Runes, DADA, Transfiguration and Charms I will be angry. I get I could scrape by A's in Care of Magical Creatures and Potions. 
  • 33. How about in your n.e.w.t.s?
  • I better get all Os at that point. 
  • 34. If you were a pure-blood, would you take interest in reading muggle literature?
  • Yes. 
  • 35. At what time do you think you'll go to bed on weekdays?
  • Later than I should. 
  • 36. Would you prefer firewhiskey over butterbeer?
  • Firewhiskey
  • 37. What wizard snack would be your favorite? Or which one would you like to try?
  • I don't even know. 
  • 38. Will you collect chocolate frog cards?
  • No. I would give them to my friends and just eat the candy. 
  • 39. Will you keep track of which flavor of beans you already tried?
  • Yes! 
  • 40. What quidditch team (excluding hogwarts houses) will you support?
  • I probably wouldn't. I don't follow sports now. 
  • 41. What classes will you take for n.e.w.t.s?
  • All the ones I can?
  • 42. What will your boggart be?
  • My Anna, seriously hurt. 
  • 43. Will you stay in the hog’s head or the three broomsticks?
  • Three broomsticks. 
  • 44. If you are of age, will you try to enter the triwizard tournament if they ever host one again?
  • No. I don't want to die. 
  • 45. What do you think happens during graduation?
  • Our wands do something cool. 
  • 46. Will you see the thestrals carrying the carriages?
  • Yes. 
  • 47. If you were invited to join the slug club, will you accept the invitation?
  • No. 
  • 48. Will you consider becoming a professor in hogwarts after school?
  • I wouldn't mind taking over for Madam Pince. 
  • 49. What would your patronus be?
  • A Mountain Lion/Panther. 
  • 50. What memory will you think of when making a patronus?
  • Meeting Anna.