Friday, May 27, 2011

And now for an important announcement

Today was the day of boring. Seriously. I think I could have not gone to work, fished coins out of a local fountain and made more money. It was terrible.

I thought, before I got on to my nest post, which will undoubtably be inappropriate, I would tell you all that Kitten has allowed me to link to her blog in my blogroll. She's under Tyger. You should go tell her hi. I'm sure she'd appreciate it.

Also, I want to tell all of you who have been leaving me comments, and who have been with me all this time, I love you. I am so glad to have met all of you. You have enriched my life and made it better. I've learned so much from all of you over the years. I can never thank you enough. You are wonderful people and I am blessed to know you.

Off to write terrible things now. Hopefully well.


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